Viseum: Your own museum app - flexible, intuitive, modern.
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Discover Viseum
Viseum app as seen on an iPhone screen

Engage with your visitors

With its intuitive app and flexible content management system, Viseum enables cultural institutions to offer new and attractive museum experiences.

Viseum offers the flexibility of in-house development at a cost-effective price.
No hidden costs: You pay a one-off set-up fee and fixed annual licence costs.
The CMS allows you to create your own content.
Real-time updates: Changes in the CMS are immediately available worldwide in the app.
Customised developments and adaptations are possible.
The app offers an additional incentive for a visit and can appeal to new target groups.
The app offers your guests a high-quality, personalised and interactive experience.
With Viseum you can offer accessible content.
Content can be easily shared by your guests on social media.
“Visitors come to museums to learn and be entertained. I am confident that Viseum will enhance both experiences!”
Dr. Johann Kräftner,
Former Director, LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections
Dr. Johann Kräftner

Our Clients & Partners

LGT Private Banking
Liechtenstein: The Princely Collections
Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History
Vitromusée Romont, Swiss Museum of Stained Glass and Glass Art
ZB - Zurich Central Library
Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich
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